Sunday, October 12, 2008

Social Issue

When does life begin?
Who's choice is it really?
it's a debatable question
but I see the answer clearly

People assume my answer to this topic
But they don't even listen
I must be pro-life
Because I'm a Christian

I am pro choice
I think it's a decision to make
Why should people ruin another person's life
By one stupid mistake

I understand pro life
It makes sense to me
But if i was raped at 17
I wouldnt want baby

I don't think killings right
Especially an innocent child
but, a teenager raising a baby
Is almost as bad as it being raised in the wild

I dont think one opinion
is better than the other
But, wouldn't you want a kid
When you were actually ready to be a mother

When you are going to have a baby
You should be glad
Be prepared and ready
Be the perfect mom and dad!

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