Sunday, September 7, 2008

First Week

The first week of college has finally ended and it was not what I expected. It has been an interesting week. The people and classes are very nice. It started off good, but as usual I got sick right before classes started. Now I am back at home, sick, and doing my homework.

My name is Cari Lyall and I am from South Pasadena. My parents are piano tuners and I have a one eyed dog named Goldie. I am only seventeen and am an undeclared major. I have been performing my entire life because it is what i love to do most in the world. I have sang since i was born, been accepted into many singing schools over the years and performed on children cd's. I have been dancing since the age of four and want to join a dance club at APU. One of the most fun times in my life was when I was a voice over in two Adventures in Odyssey cartoons. I was a semi-finalist for a rose princess on the rose parade float held every new years. I want to continue the performing arts throughout my life, but i don't think it is something i want to major in. I know how much of a slim chance there is to make it in the performing arts, so i think i will just do singing, acting, and dancing as a hobby and not a career.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my life. I am really looking forward to your class, I am serious. Comics, movies, and English class are a great mix. This shall hopefully be a great semester. See you tomorrow!

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