Sunday, September 21, 2008


People have different views of what individualism is. I believe individualism is not caring what anyone thinks about you and you live for yourself. Individualism is when you know you are a unique person and know no one is like you. When you have so much confidence in yourself that you truly don't care what anyone thinks. In the movie Spiderman 2 it is obvious that individualism is a strong theme of the movie. Spiderman is a rare type of person, after all he is a super hero. The main villain of the movie is a doctor who's experiment goes wrong and kills his wife. He has mechanical tentacles which he later uses for evil to try and take over the city. This is an example of individualism in the way that no one has mechanical tentacles and he truly doesn't care what anyone thinks of him. e is who he is and doesn't care what people think. The overall character of Spiderman is a unique individual. He is his own person in the way that he works many jobs, is kinda a geek and socially awkward, and is a superhero. He hides his true identity from the world, and is one of the most unique person in the world. Individualism is all around us, and we are all unique.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Plato's Cave and the Matrix

The article, Plato's Cave and The Matrix, explains that there are many strong similarities in the themes of both the stories. For example, the theme of care of the soul in The Matrix and Plato's thought in the Republic. The Matrix abd Plato's cave both believe that proper teaching only happens when the students are ready to make discoveries for themselves. Plato believes that to fully know the for of an object, one must know the form of the good. Plato believes that speaking and thinking in the cave is not meaningless, and some of our opinions are true, in spite of our ignorance of the deeper causes of things. In the Matrix the two worlds are nto very similar. The one contiuous aspect of the worlds is the people's bodies. Plato and the Matrix tell roughly the same story of how the unreliability of the senses and the need to abstract form the knowledge. Neo and Plato's freed prisoner are alike in the way of questioning the world and both disregard knowledge derived from the senses, The stories both have much in common, with the story line as well as the characters.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

First Week

The first week of college has finally ended and it was not what I expected. It has been an interesting week. The people and classes are very nice. It started off good, but as usual I got sick right before classes started. Now I am back at home, sick, and doing my homework.

My name is Cari Lyall and I am from South Pasadena. My parents are piano tuners and I have a one eyed dog named Goldie. I am only seventeen and am an undeclared major. I have been performing my entire life because it is what i love to do most in the world. I have sang since i was born, been accepted into many singing schools over the years and performed on children cd's. I have been dancing since the age of four and want to join a dance club at APU. One of the most fun times in my life was when I was a voice over in two Adventures in Odyssey cartoons. I was a semi-finalist for a rose princess on the rose parade float held every new years. I want to continue the performing arts throughout my life, but i don't think it is something i want to major in. I know how much of a slim chance there is to make it in the performing arts, so i think i will just do singing, acting, and dancing as a hobby and not a career.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my life. I am really looking forward to your class, I am serious. Comics, movies, and English class are a great mix. This shall hopefully be a great semester. See you tomorrow!