Friday, December 12, 2008

Final Research Paper Sources

Associated Press. “Hiding Pregnancies an Impossible Task for Stars” June 3, 2008.

Bonsor, Kevin. “Who’s Eligible,” How Witness Protection Works.

Ilan, Shahar. “ As Knesset approves bill, witness protection program makes aliyah,” Haaretz, November 4, 2008.

Innes, Brian. Fakes and Forgeries: The true crime stories of history’s greatest deceptions: the criminals, the scams, and the victims. (New York: Readers Digest, Inc., 2005) 155.

King, Bill. “The Incredibles,”

Kleege, Georgina. “Wearing the Mask Inside Out” BNET. Spring, 2000. mi_m2267/is_1_67/ai_62402550.

Rosenberg, Jennifer. “Hidden Children” od/holocaust/a/hiddenchildren.htm.

Smutny, Joan. “Stand Up For Your Gifted Child.” (Free Spirit Publishing Inc. 2001) 13.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Punisher: War Zone

Before going to see the Punisher: War Zone I had no idea what to expect. I hadn't seen the previous movies, and had no idea what I was getting myself in to. I looked up a trailer and was not too excited to see it. I had heard from other people that it was not the same actor from eh first movie, and that immediately made me realize it wouldn't be that good of a movie.
My thought after the movie was that the movie was all right. I wasn't blown away but I wasn't too disappointed. I wasn't expecting much, and couldn't compare to the past movies. I was aware that the people who did the "Saw" movies (Lionsgate) were used, so I was expecting gore and blood. People seemed to think it was too much. I personally was expecting more disturbing images, but that doesn't change the fact that it was too much. They were drawing the line and were showing images that were very much unnecessary. Although, it didn't bother me, I think it was too much and could have easily been taken out of the movie.
My biggest anger towards the film was the dialogue. At times the lines seemed like a joke and they were being terrible on purpose. The lines were lame and my grandma could have written them better. Sometimes I just needed to laugh and ask myself if it was a serious line or not. But, the moment the movie started I wasn't enjoying the accents. They just sounded fake, maybe they were real and I'm crazy but they seemed too forced. They seemed to overdue the gore and the accents, but did too little good dialogue.
I enjoyed the fact that they had a lot of comic relief. There were a lot of heavy points in the film and a lot of deaths, but there were a lot of funny lines throughout the film. Sometimes, they weren't meant to be funny and I laughed, but sometimes they were meant for a laugh. Sometimes the killings were even funny in a sick and twisted way. The comic relief was probably my favorite part of the movie.
Overall the movie was ok. I can’t say it was good, but can’t say it was terrible. I wouldn't see it in theaters, but you can rent it. But, if you were a huge fan of the past movie or a fan of the comic, I would see it. But if it were just because you want to see a movie for no reason, I would choose something else.